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The General element contains configuration definitions of the general appearance of the Web App, such as the favicon, the display name or whether headers and footers are displayed.


Display name of the web app. Displayed in the browser tab or title bar.

If no value is set, the default value "My New Web App" is set.

Possible values: Any string


Specify whether the background should be blurred or clear when displaying overlay structure elements.

Possible values:

  • true (default): For overlays, the part of the Web App that is still visible in the background is blurred.
  • false: For overlays, the part of the Web App that is still visible in the background is displayed clearly.

Path to the graphic file (.gif, .ico, .png, or .svg) that will be used as the Web App's favicon. The file must be contained in the Resources folder directly inside the Web App project.

Possible values: String (URI)


Path to the graphic file (.gif, .png, or .svg) or specification of a Material Icon that will be used as the Web App logo.


  • The graphic file must be stored in the Resources folder directly inside the Web App project. Path specification relative to the Resources folder.
  • The Material Icon must be specified with the prefix icon, e.g. icon:<MaterialIconName>.

Possible values: 

  • String (URI), e.g. clock.png
  • icon:<MaterialIconName>e.g. icon:extension

Additional information:

With Ctrl+Space you get an overview of the available icons. The selection may differ from the currently available Material Icons.


The logo is always displayed with a height of 45 pixels. The graphic file used as the logo is automatically scaled.


Defines the color of the logo in the application. You can only use this attribute to change the color of a logo you added with a Material Icon to logoURL You cannot set the color for graphic files.


This setting overwrites the default color of the color scheme.

Possible values:

  • Hexadecimal color value, e.g. ff5a00


    • Do not use a hash before the color value.
    • Do not use abbreviated notation of the color value.
  • Color code from the color palette of the Web App (see Theming), e.g. A200

Defines whether the footer of the web application is displayed.

Possible values: true (default) / false


If there are actions in the displayed component, the footer is displayed in the mobile view independently of the value of the attribute.


Defines whether the header of the web application is displayed.

Possible values: true (default) / false


Links external pages as imprint.


Links external pages as data protection statement.


Defines whether the cookie consent pop-up is displayed.

Possible values: true (default) / false


Defines whether data is to be transferred to a Web App when calling the Web App.


You can change this flag at runtime using the Web App Configuration Management adapter.

Possible values: true (default) / false

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