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Graphically Editing the Web Service Configuration

The web service configuration can be edited within the X4 Designer via the graphical Webservice Configuration Editor and updated on the X4 Server. Technical Processes can thus be provided as HTTP-based web services of various types (ReST, SOAP etc.) with just a few mouse clicks.

All web services provided in this way have a uniform base URL. The base URL is http://localhost:8080/X4/httpstarter/ReST by default.

Calling the Webservice Configuration Editor

To call the Webservice Configuration Editor, double-click the .wsinc file in the Projects view.

Interface of the Webservice Configuration Editor

The Webservice Configuration Editor is divided into the following sections:

Tree: URL tree structure

The Tree section displays the hierarchical web service URL structure, i.e. the URL parts in an expandable and collapsible tree structure. You can edit this tree structure by right-clicking on an element in the structure and choosing an option from the context menu. Moreover, you can move tree elements via drag and drop.

Using the Filter field, you can filter the displayed tree structure by node names. This way, you can hide structures that do not include the search term. Using the 57bcb259-61a8-4e65-8775-7038cd27fae4.pngbutton or by clearing the field, you can reset the filter. Moreover, you can use File, HTTP ReST, and SOAP to filter by service types.

Tree elements


Constant URL part

Within the Scope section, you can define all properties of a selected constant, or you can inherit security properties from the parent element.


Variable URL part

Within the Scope section, you can define all properties of a selected variable, or you can inherit security properties from the parent element.


Fully flexible URL part definition

Within the Scope section, you can define all properties of a remainder or you can inherit security properties from the parent element.

Managing and Creating Constants, Variables, or Remainders

Select the desired node (corresponds to a URL part of the web service) within the tree view and right-click to select one of the following actions from the context menu:

Add Constant

Add constant as a child node to define a constant URL part for your web service

Add Variable

Add variable as a child node to define variable parts via placeholders within the URL of your web service

Add Remainder

Add remainder as a child node to handle all remaining URL parts

Copy Service URL to Clipboard

Copy corresponding web service resource URL to clipboard


Rename the selected node


Delete the selected node

Node names are case-sensitive!

Defining Safety Properties of the Node

In Access Restrictions, you can define (security) properties for the selected node if required.

With Inherit from parent node, you adopt the security properties of the parent element. Deactivate this option if you want to define a custom value.


Security realm for the current URL part

Client ID

Keycloak client

Client Secret

Keycloak client credentials

Access Role

Keycloak role

The role must be assigned to the user in Keycloak to gain access to the web service.

Guest Allowed

If a security realm has been defined in the property Realm, it can be useful to allow guest access by selecting the value true.

Token Return

Select the returned login token

Possible values:

  • NONE (default)


Login Failure Return

Combined with the Login module for X4 Web Apps, you can use Login Failure Return to control if the reason should also be returned after a failed login attempt.

Possible values:

  • NONE (default): Do not return information about the reason of failure (logged in the server log)

  • HEADER: Return the technical or business reason in the HTTP header X-X4-Login-Failed.

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