There are various processing options for tasks that have been assigned to a process participant. These options are explained in the following.
The Task Management Web App is currently only available in German. Thus, the following editing options are described by means of the German interface.
Editing Tasks
After logging in to the Task Management Web App, all open tasks are displayed in an overview (menu Offen). By selecting a task in the task list, its details are displayed on several tabs.
To edit a task proceed as follows:
Select the task to be edited within the task list of the overview (menuOffen).
Click on Bearbeiten.
Select the desired editing option:
Freigeben: Release task
Ablehnen: Decline task
Herunterladen: Download document
Hochladen: Replace existing document
Dokument löschen: Delete document
Neues Dokument: Upload new document
Releasing Tasks
To release a task proceed as follows:
Select the task to be released within the task list of the overview (menuOffen).
Click on Bearbeiten to open the editing view.
Click on Freigeben. The task is now moved to the menu entry Erledigt.
Declining Tasks
To decline a task proceed as follows:
Select the task to be released within the task list of the overview (menuOffen).
Click on Ablehnen.
As an alternative, the task can be declined in the editing view. To do this, first click Bearbeiten and then Ablehnen.
The tasks is now sent back to the task owner (Owner).
Forwarding Tasks
To forward a task proceed as follows:
Select the task to be forwarded within the task list of the overview (menuOffen).
Click on Weiterleiten. The following dialog is opened:
Specify the assignment type:
Persönlich: The task will be forwarded to a single user
Team: The task will be forwarded to a group
Click on Weiter. The following dialog is opened:
Specify the forwarding details:
Select the corresponding user or group underZuweisung
If required, define a deadline inFälligkeitsdatum To do this, enable the checkbox and select a date and time. Confirm with.
If required, enter a comment in Kommentar.
Click on Weiterleiten. The task is forwarded to the specified user or group.
Resubmitting Tasks
To resubmit a task proceed as follows:
Select the task to be resubmitted within the task list of the overview (menuOffen).
Click on Wiedervorlge. The following dialog is opened:
Enter the desired date and time. Confirm with.
If required, enter a comment in Kommentar.
Click on OK. The task is now moved to the menu entryWiedervorlage.
Displaying and Editing Documents
To edit documents attached to a task proceed as follows:
Select the task to be edited within the task list of the overview (menuOffen).
If the task is already being processed, select the corresponding task under the menu entryIn Bearbeitung.
Click on Bearbeiten.
Select the tab Dokumente within the task's detail view. The different editing options are now displayed as buttons:
ClickHerunterladen to download the document.
Click Hochladen to upload a new document from the file system and replace the existing document.
Click Dokument löschen to permanently delete the document.
Deleting a document cannot be undone. Only delete documents if you are sure that you no longer need them.
ClickNeues Dokument to upload a new document. To do this, enter a title in the dialog Neues Dokument and select a document from the file system with Hochladen.
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