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Dropbox Connector

This adapter connects to the Dropbox cloud service and offers cloud storage management functions.

You need a Dropbox account (standard or business) to use the Dropbox Connector.

Before using the adapter for the first time:

If you want to use the Dropbox Connector for the first time, you need to execute the following steps beforehand:

  1. Go to the following website:
  2. Click on App Console. The button is located at the top right.
  3. Click on Create app.
    1. For Choose an API, select Dropbox API.
    2. For Choose the type of access you need, choose Full Dropbox.
    3. Enter any name in Name your app.
    4. Click on Create app
    5. The app is created and the app settings open.
  4. Klick on Generate under Generate access token.
  5. The Access Token is generated and displayed. This Access Token is required for using the Dropbox Connector.

Via the API, an Apps folder is created in the assigned Dropbox; this respresents the application folder. Anyone who is in possession of the generated Access Token has access to this folder! Make sure you know who comes into possession of the Access Token!



Operation executed by the adapter

Possible values:

  • CopyFile: Copies a file within the Dropbox.
  • CreateFile: Adds a file to the Dropbox.
  • DeleteFile: Deletes a file within the Dropbox.
  • ExtractFolder: Extracts a .zip file to the folder specified in the parameters.
  • GetFileContent: Outputs the content of a file.
  • GetFileMetadata: Outputs the metadata of a file.
  • ListFolder: Lists the contents of a folder.
  • UpdateFile: Updates a file.



Main class of the adapter (do not change!)

Possible values: en.softproject.x4.adapter.dropbox.DropBoxConnector: Main class (default)


Required. Required to connect to the Dropbox account.

Possible values: Unique Access Token

The Access Token must be generated in Dropbox.


Path to a folder in Dropbox.

Possible values: Folder path (default: / (top folder level))

The folder path must always begin and end with a /.

If folders are used during the CreateFile operation that do not exist, then they will be created automatically.


File name of the file to be processed.

Possible values: File name incl. file extension


Required for the CopyFile operation. Specifies which file is to be copied.

Possible values: File path incl. file name and file extension, e.g. folder/file.txt


Required for the CopyFile operation. Specifies which file is to be copied.

Possible values: File path


Required for the ExtractFolder operation. Name of the folder where the extracted files will be created or overwritten.

Possible values: Any string


Defines whether existing files are overwritten when copying or creating.

Possible values:

  • true: If a file with the same name already exists at this location, then this file will be overwritten.
  • false: If a file with the same name already exists in this location, then the new file will be renamed, e.g. from File.txt to Copy_of_File.txt.

Status values


The operation was executed successfully.


The operation could not be executed. The error message is output as a text document and in the server log.


The adapter expects a file as input for the operations CreateFile and UpdateFile.

The adapter expects a .zip file as input for the ExtractFolder operation.


The adapter provides different data as output depending on the executed operation.

  • CopyFile, CreateFile and DeleteFile operations: Text document with information
  • ListFolder, GetFileMetadata operations: XML document with corresponding content

    Sample output GetFileMetadata

    <Metadata isFolder="false">

    Sample output ListFolder

    	<Entry isFolder="true">Folder</Entry>
    	<Entry isFolder="false">Image.png</Entry>
    	<Entry isFolder="false">file.txt</Entry>
    	<Entry isFolder="false">Document.docx</Entry>
  • Operation ExtractFolder: Does not return any output.
  • Operation GetFileContent: content of the read file

    Not all file formats are supported!

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