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Drawing Elements

The following drawing elements can be used in Technical Processes:


Connector: Creates a logical connection between elements

Connector lines can only be used to visualize a logical coherence!

When executing the Business Process via the X4 Server, only process components are interpreted as data and control flow elements that have been connected with (7.4.0-en) Sequence Flows in Business Processes, and those components that are connected with Transitions in Technical Processes.



Free text area to label the connector line (useful to layout/document the process diagram)

Line Routing

Line routing

Possible values:

  • Angled: Angled line

  • Straight: Straight line (Default)

Line Type

Line style
Possible values:

  • Dash line: Dashed line (Default)

  • Solid line: Solid line

  • Dot line: Dotted line

Line Color

Connector line color. To change the color, select the property and click 

Possible values:

  • RGB(RRR,GGG,BBB): 24-bit RGB color code (can be selected with a color picker dialog)

  • RGB(0,0,0): Black (Default)

Line Source Decorator and Line Target Decorator

Symbol for the beginning of the line
Possible values:

  • Circle: Circle (Default)

  • Empty arrow: Empty arrow

  • Association arrow: Open arrow

  • Arrow: Filled arrow

  • Inverted arrow: Inverted arrow

  • Diamond: Filled rhombus

  • Empty diamond: Empty rhombus

  • Plain: No symbol

Rectangle and Ellipse


Draws a rectangle


Draws an ellipse


Line Color

Border color of the drawing element. To change the color, select the property and click 


Possible values:

  • RGB(RRR,GGG,BBB): 24-bit RGB color code (can be selected with a color picker dialog)

  • RGB(0,0,0): Black (Default)

Line Width

Width of the drawing element's border

Possible values:

  • any positive integer number

  • 1: line with a width of 1 pixel (default)

Hide Line

Hide border of the drawing element

Fill Color

Fill color of the drawing element. To change the color, select the property and click


Possible values:

  • RGB(RRR,GGG,BBB): 24-bit RGB color code (can be selected with a color picker dialog)

  • RGB(255,255,255): White (default)


Set drawing element as transparent. By enabling this property, the property Fill Color will be ignored.



Textbox: Inserts a text box, whose content can be edited and formatted in a dialog by double-clicking the box.



Link defined for the text box. To create a link, enter a valid URL.

(info) You can open the linked URL with Ctrl + click.


Content of the text box. To edit and format the text, select the property and click the



Rotation of the text box

Possible values:

  • 0: no rotation (default)

  • 90: rotate by 90°

  • 180: rotate by 180°

  • 270: rotate by 270°

Fill Color

Fill color of the text box. To change the color, select the property and click 


Possible values:

  • RGB(RRR,GGG,BBB): 24-bit RGB color code (can be selected via a color picker dialog)

  • RGB(255, 255, 255): White (default)


Sets text box transparent. By enabling this property, the property Fill Color will be ignored.


Polygon: Draws a polygon with multiple corner marks.


Line Color

Border color of the drawing element. To change the color, select the property and click 


Possible values:

  • RGB(RRR,GGG,BBB): 24-bit RGB color code (can be selected via a color picker dialog)

  • RGB(0,0,0): Black (Default)

Line Width

Width of the drawing element's border

Possible values:

  • any positive integer number

  • 1: line with a width of 1 pixel (default)

Fill Color

Fill color of the drawing element. To change the color, select the property and click


Possible values:

  • RGB(RRR,GGG,BBB): 24-bit RGB color code (can be selected with a color picker dialog)

  • RGB(255,255,255): White (Default)


Transparent fill (do not use a fill color); By enabling this property, the property Fill Color will be ignored.

Polyline and Line


Draws a line with multiple way points


Draws a straight line


Line Color

Border color of the drawing element. To change the color, select the property and click 


Possible values:

  • RGB(RRR,GGG,BBB): 24-bit RGB color code (can be selected with a color picker dialog)

  • RGB(0,0,0): Black (default)

Line Width

Width of the drawing element's border
Possible values:

  • any positive integer number

  • 1: line with a width of 1 pixel (default)


Image: Inserts an image frame that allows to include a .gif.jpg.png, or a .bmp graphic file.

The inserted image will be stored within the process.


Line Color

Border color of the image frame. To change the color, select the property and click 


Possible values:

  • RGB(RRR,GGG,BBB): 24-bit RGB color code (can be selected with a color picker dialog)

  • RGB(0,0,0): Black (default)

Line Width

Width of the drawing element's border

Possible values:

  • any positive integer number

  • 1: line with a width of 1 pixel (default)

Image File

Path to the linked graphic file

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