Displaying Process Steps
The Process Steps tab shows an overview of the process steps for the selected process instance with the following information:

Column | Description |
Status | Status icon that visually represents the status from the Technical Status column |
Start | Date/time when process instance was started (with milliseconds) |
Finish | Date/time when process instance ended (with milliseconds). For running process instances, the column is empty. |
Action ID | Action ID of the process step |
Technical Name | Technical name of the process step |
File Name | File name of the process step |
Runtime (ms) | Runtime of the process step (in milliseconds) |
Error Message | Detailed error message for the process step that failed to execute |
Technical Status | Technical status of the process step. The technical status is mapped according to the following pattern:
Navigating to Sub-Processes
If the list of process steps contains a sub-process, you have two options to navigate to the sub-process:
Option 1:
Select the process on the Process Steps tab in the list of process steps.
A sub-process is identified by iXWorkflow in the Technical Name column.
The Process Steps tab for the sub-process opens. The navigation path to this process is displayed in the table title.
Option 2:
On the Details tab in the Process Image card, select the icon for the sub-process.
The Details tab for the sub-process opens.
No matter how you navigate to a sub-process, you can always return to the parent process instance by using the Parent Process Instance button on the toolbar.