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Displaying Process Steps

The Process Steps tab shows an overview of the process steps for the selected process instance with the following information:





Status icon that visually represents the status from the Technical Status column


Date/time when process instance was started (with milliseconds)


Date/time when process instance ended (with milliseconds). For running process instances, the column is empty.

Action ID

Action ID of the process step

Technical Name

Technical name of the process step 

File Name

File name of the process step 

Runtime (ms)

Runtime of the process step (in milliseconds)

Error Message

Detailed error message for the process step that failed to execute

Technical Status

Technical status of the process step. The technical status is mapped according to the following pattern: 

  • >0               →       Completed without error.

  • =0               →       Completed without result. 

  • <0               →       Executed with error.

  • RUNNING   →       Process step is running.

Navigating to Sub-Processes

If the list of process steps contains a sub-process, you have two options to navigate to the sub-process:

Option 1:

  • Select the process on the Process Steps tab in the list of process steps.


A sub-process is identified by iXWorkflow in the Technical Name column.

The Process Steps tab for the sub-process opens. The navigation path to this process is displayed in the table title.

Option 2:

  • On the Details tab in the Process Image card, select the icon for the sub-process.

    The Details tab for the sub-process opens.


No matter how you navigate to a sub-process, you can always return to the parent process instance by using the Parent Process Instance button on the toolbar.

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