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Defining the Adapter Definition

You can define the adapter interface in the adapter definition file (.nad). The available adapter operations are specified using technical processes.

  1. Create an adapter project, see Creating Adapter Projects.
  2. Open the  <Projectname>.nad adapter definition file by double-clicking it.
    An editor for defining the adapter interface opens.
  3. Define the general adapter settings within the Adapter area. The following settings can be made:

    • Name: Adapter name 

    • Version: Adapter version
    • Category: Adapter category, e.g. Tools
    • Package: Name of the WildFly module to be provided.

      This setting is relevant when using the option Package as Adapter.
    • License Key: Adapter license key
    • Description: Adapter description
  4. On the Operations tab, add any number of adapter operations via Add:

    Each operation has to be linked to a technical process.

    • To delete an operation select the row and click Remove:

    • Newly created processes are updated automatically.
  5. Select for each operation the corresponding technical process from the Operations folder.

  6. On the Parameters tab, add any number of adapter parameters via Add:

  7. Define the adapter parameters. The following settings can be made:

    • Name: Parameter name 
    • Description: Parameter description
    • Type: Parameter type 
      • String: For strings 
      • Number: For numbers 
      • Boolean: For Boolean values
      • Combo: For drop-down lists

        Names and values for possible options of a combo box can be created in the Combo Options. The Combo Options are displayed automatically when the Combo type is selected for a parameter.

      • Password: For passwords

        Values with the password type are not in plain text and cannot be copied.

    • Default Value: Default value of the parameter
    • Required: Information, whether a parameter is mandatory or optional
    The parameters will be available within technical processes as the PARAM_INPUT_<Name> placeholder. 
  8. On the Icons tab, define images from the Icons folder as adapter icons.

    Newly added icons are loaded automatically.

  9. Save the adapter definition.

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