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Declaring the Configuration in the Source View

The root element of the .wac file is <Configuration>. The element contains all configurations for the Web App. Attributes are used to control the appearance and behavior of the Web App.

The <Configuration> element can contain the following elements:



AccessContains configuration definitions for accessing the Web App.

Contains configuration definitions about the general appearance of the Web App.

HeaderIncludesContains configuration definitions for the header. For example, you can insert your own JavaScript code in the header.
SecurityHTTPHeadersContains configuration definitions for the HTTP security header.
LogoutContains configuration definitions for logout.

Contains the API key if requested by the card provider.

No API key is required to use OpenStreetMap. If an API key is entered when OpenStreetMap is used as the map provider, the API key is ignored.

When using Google Maps as a map provider, the following APIs must be enabled:

  • Maps JS API
  • Locations (for search and route calculation)
  • Directions (for route calculation)
NotificationsContains configuration definitions for the info banner.
StatusContains configuration definitions for the internal status values of the Web App.
URLContains configuration definitions for the path of the Web App that is displayed in the URL.
For the documentation on the ReST interface, see http://localhost:8080/X4/X4Api/.
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