"Custom" Action
The Custom action is created via the <CustomAction/>
element within <Actions>
. With a Custom action, you can implement simple actions without predefined text and icons, e.g. a component can be called.
In addition to the standard attributes for (7.4.0-en) Actions, the <CustomAction/>
element can also have the following attributes:
Attribute | Description |
| Label of the button.
Possible values: Any string or language key |
| Allows you to navigate to an external website by setting an external link.
Possible values: String (URL) Note: In Detail components, the external link can also be passed by a Technical Process. To do this, you need to link a Technical Process that contains the external link in its response to the action (
| Specifies whether the link ( Possible values:
| Allows validation of the input Possible values:
| Allows you to navigate to an external website by setting an external link.
Example of a "Custom" action
<DetailComponent path="Dashboard" displayName="Dashboard" default="true">
<CustomAction componentName="CountryList"
displayName="Save custom"
The example above generates the Save customer action: