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Creating Global Parameters and Groups

In the Global Parameter Configuration, you can create and manage global parameters and global parameter groups.


Note the following prioritization when using parameters:

System parameters → Project parameters → Global parameters.

In case of name conflicts, an error message or warning is displayed in the Problems view:

  • Error message in case of name conflicts of system and project parameters
  • Warning in case of name conflicts of project parameters and global parameters

How to access the Global Parameter Configuration

Select the menu Tools > Global Parameter Configuration:

Creating a New Group with Global Parameters


To avoid name conflicts, the name of the parameter group must be unique.

How to create a new group with global parameters

  1. Open the Global Parameter Configuration via the menu Tools > Global Parameter Configuration.
  2. Right-click on Groups to open the context menu.
  3. Select Add in the context menu.
  4. Enter a name for the parameter group and confirm with OK.
    The new group has been added and appears as a new node below the root node.
  5. To add new parameters, select the group.
  6. Click Add to add a new parameter.
  7. Enter the properties for the parameter:

    Data fieldDescription

    Name of the parameter


    To avoid name conflicts, the name of the parameter group must be unique.


    The following characters are allowed here:


    A dot is to be avoided if case you want to copy the global parameter to the project parameters.

    Example: My-Global-Parameter-123


    Data type of the parameter

    Possible values:

    • String
    • Boolean
    • Integer
    • Decimal
    • Date
    • Password


    For parameters of the type Password, the option Show Password can be activated to display the password unencrypted.

    ValueValue of the parameter
  8. Click OK to add the parameter.
    The parameter has been created; the fully qualified name of the parameter is created automatically.


Right-click on a global parameter to open its context menu. With Copy Full Qualified Name to Clipboard its fully qualified name can be copied and pasted elsewhere.

Renaming Global Parameters


The Rename action is active only when all changes are saved in the Global Parameter Configuration.

How to rename a parameter and automatically update its references in the process

  1. In Global Parameter Configuration, select the desired parameter in the corresponding parameter group.
  2. Click Rename to open the window for renaming parameters.
  3. Enter a new parameter name.
  4. Click OK to make the desired changes.

Renaming a Global Parameter Group

How to rename a global parameter group and automatically update its references in the process

  1. In Global Parameter Configuration, right-click the desired parameter group to open the context menu.
  2. Click Rename Group to open the window for renaming global parameter groups:
  3. Enter a new name for the group.
  4. Click OK to save the changes.

Editing Global Parameters


By editing a global parameter, you can change the Type and Value of an existing global parameter.

How to edit a global parameter

  1. In Global Parameter Configuration, select the desired parameter in the corresponding parameter group.
  2. Click Edit or double-click to open the window for editing the parameter.
  3. Edit the parameter.
  4. Click OK to save the changes.
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