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Counter: Enables to implement counting loops in processes by setting a start value and an end value. For each counter cycle, the value is incremented or decremented by the value entered in Step Size, until the end value is reached. Moreover, the properties can be set dynamically using an XSLT mapping, and the current index can be stored in a variable using indexName.


Dynamic parameter: start

Initial value from which is decremented or incremented

Possible values: any integer greater than or equal to 0

The start value is not counted during the loop. Note that the start value (start) can only be parameterized dynamically during the first loop.

Dynamic parameter: end

End value up to which is decremented or incremented

Possible values: Any integer greater than or equal to 0. If the end value is less than the start value, the process counts down. Otherwise, the process will count up.

The end value is not counted during the loop.

Step Size
Dynamic parameter: step

Counting steps for incrementing or decrementing, e.g., 2

Possible values: any integer greater than 0


Label of the symbol within the process diagram

Index Name
Dynamic parameter: indexName

Name of the variable

Possible values: name of the variable in order to access the current index of the counter


The component expects an input, if the properties are set dynamically.


If the property is set dynamically, the component outputs a variable with <indexName> and the value of the current index. Otherwise, the component does not produce any output.

Status values

0 (counting)

Counter is running (end value was not yet reached)

1 (finished)

Count-down is finished (end value was reached)


Simple counting loop with a Counter component and a condition component. The properties Start=1End=4, and Step Size=1 were set. The counting loop is repeated twice, because the start value and the end value are not counted.

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