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Context Menu

Context menu for process components

When you right-click on a process module in the editor area of the X4 Designer, different functions are available depending on the component type and the process type:

Add ComponentAdd new process component

Align selected process components

  • Align Horizontal: Align the process components horizontally
  • Align Vertical: Align the process components vertically
  • Distribute Horizontal: Distribute the process components horizontally
  • Distribute VerticalDistribute the process components vertically
Select AllSelect all process components
Copy Process Diagram to ClipboardCopy the process diagram
Edit LabelEdit the process component's label

Undo the last editor action


Redo a previously undone editor action


Copy a selected process action


Cut selected process action

Set ... document

Replace a marked process component with another repository element

Edit ...

Edit a selected process component (module components and documents only)

Toggle Breakpoint

Set a debug breakpoint for the selected process action


Delete a selected process component from the process diagram


Open process component in a separate editor tab (Module components and documents only)

Show input schemaDisplay input schema assigned to the sub-process, if available
Show output schemaDisplay output schema assigned to the sub-process, if available
Select in Repository Navigator

Show process component in the Projects view

View Call Hierarchy

Display the processes using the selected process component


Reload a selected process component from the repository (Module components and documents only)

Bring to FrontBring a selected symbol to the foreground of the diagram
Bring Forward

Bring a selected symbol one level up towards foreground

Send Backward

Bring a selected symbol one level down towards background

Send to Back

Bring a selected symbol to the background of the diagram


Display process component properties in the Properties view

Schema DeclarationSpecify schema declaration for the process

Context menu in the Projects view

You can open the context menu by right-clicking on an element within the Projects view.

NewCreate new elements (processes, directories, adapters, etc.) in the repository
Open / Open with

Open the selected element (process, folder, adapter etc.) with the default editor or a specific editor

Save As Template

Saves the selected element as template

Copy full path to Clipboard

Copy XStore URL to Clipboard

Copy the path of the selected element to the clipboard (as relative folder path or as xstore:// URL)

Cut, Copy and Paste

Cut, copy, or pastes the selected element(s)

DeleteDelete selected element from the repository (irreversible)
Refactor/RenameRename an element (and change references, if desired)
Exclude from Project

Exclude the resource from the project

  • The file will remain in the file system, but is no longer part of the project and is grayed out.
  • The usual operations such as opening, editing, copying, deleting, etc. of excluded files are disabled.
Include to Project

Include an excluded resource to the project

Repair ReferencesRepair incorrect repository resource paths in process diagrams
View Call HierarchyDisplay the processes that use the selected elements
Start Without Debugging
Run process directly
ImportImport resource to the repository
ExportExport project or resource
Clean-Up ProjectSelect and delete unused files from the repository
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