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Configuring the Run/Debug Mode

You can define the behavior of processes when they are run or debugged in the X4 Designer.

  1. Select Tools > Options.

  2. On the left side, double-click X4 Designer, and select Run/Debug to open the configuration.

  3. Make the required settings:

Enable debug steps delay:

  • Define the delay (in milliseconds) between each run process step in debug mode in Debug steps delay.

The delay is only applied, if the process execution is continued via Resume.

Debug Stepping Mode:

Deault display behavior when debugging process steps:

  • Step Over: Execute steps and debug each subprocess as a process step

  • Step Into: Execute steps and jump into subprocesses to also display their steps when debugging

Break on Entry (Main Process only):

Pause debugging after the first process step

Save automatically on Debug:

Save process automatically before starting the debug mode

Save automatically on Run:

 Save process automatically before starting the run mode

When starting another debug session:

Behavior of the debugger if another debugging session is already running

  • Always abort active debug session: The active debugging session is always canceled and the new debugging session ist started.

    • Never abort active debug session: The active debugging session is never canceled (the user needs to manually cancel the active debugging session).

    • Always prompt: The user is always prompted how they want to proceed when starting the debug mode.

You can also start debugging using the F4 key.

  1. Click Apply and Close to save the configuration and close the window.

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