Configuring the Run/Debug Mode
You can define the behavior of processes when they are run or debugged in the X4 Designer.
Select Tools > Options.
On the left side, double-click X4 Designer, and select Run/Debug to open the configuration.
Make the required settings:
Enable debug steps delay: |
The delay is only applied, if the process execution is continued via Resume. |
Debug Stepping Mode: | Deault display behavior when debugging process steps:
Break on Entry (Main Process only): | Pause debugging after the first process step |
Save automatically on Debug: | Save process automatically before starting the debug mode |
Save automatically on Run: | Save process automatically before starting the run mode |
When starting another debug session: | Behavior of the debugger if another debugging session is already running
Hinweis: |
Click Apply and Close to save the configuration and close the window.