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Configuring the Monitoring of Profiling Data in the Source View

The root element of the profiling file i s <Profiling>. The element can contain individual processes of the project that should be explicitly covered or excluded from logging.

The <Profiling> element can have the following attribute:


Defines whether logging of processes is enabled or disabled.

Possible values:

  • true: The logging of the processes is enabled (default).

  • false: The logging of the processes is disabled.

The <Profiling> element contains the <Processes> child element, which may contain the following attribute:


Defines whether the stored processes should be included or excluded from logging.

Possible values:

  • include: The stored processes are explicitly covered by the logging.

  • exclude: The stored processes are explicitly excluded from logging.

The <Processes> element may contain <Process> child elements if one or more processes are to be explicitly included or excluded from logging.

The Process element contains the following attribute:


Required. Contains the path to the Technical Process to be included or excluded from the logging.

Possible values: Repository path to a Technical Process (e.g., Processes/Process.wrf)

Example of .profiling file

In the following example, the Technical Processes Process_B.wrf and Process_C.wrf are excluded from logging.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
    <Processes filterType="exclude">
        <Process path="Processes/Process_B.wrf"/>
        <Process path="Processes/Process_C.wrf"/>
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