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Bing Maps

This adapter accesses Bing Maps via its web service interface in version 1 and retrieves the geographical information for an address. In addition, a route including waypoints can be calculated and a URL to the corresponding Bing Maps map section can be generated. The adapter outputs its results as XML or JSON document.

In order to use the Bing Maps API Bing Maps API Key is required.



Defines the operation executed by the function adapter

Possible values:

  • Geocode: Retrieve all geographical information for an address (street, country/state, nation, coordinates etc.)

  • ReverseGeocode: Retrieve all geographical information for a decimal coordinate (street, country/state, nation, coordinates etc.)

  • GetDirections: Retrieve the route between a start point and a destination with any number of waypoints

  • CreateGoogleURL: Create a URL to a Bing Maps map section image



Main adapter class (do not change!)

Possible values: Main class (Default)


Key for using the Bing Maps API


Define the output format for requests

 Possible values:

  • xml: Output XML document

  • json: Output JSON document


Timeout to establish a connection in milliseconds

Possible values:

  • Any integer number

  • 0: No limitation

  • 20000: Cancel connection establishment after 20 seconds


IP address or host name of a proxy server

Possible values: Any valid string (e. g.


Port number of the proxy server

Possible values: Any integer number


User name for the proxy server

Possible values: Any valid string


Password for the proxy server

Possible values: Any valid string

Status values

1 (successful)

The request was successful and a result was output (corresponds to the HTTP status code 200)

0 (empty)

The request was successful, but no result was output

-1 (failed)

The request failed because of a technical error

- HTTP status codeThe request was executed, but terminated with a status code unequal 200. Error interpretation corresponds to the HTTP status code.
JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.