Bing Maps
This adapter accesses Bing Maps via its web service interface in version 1 and retrieves the geographical information for an address. In addition, a route including waypoints can be calculated and a URL to the corresponding Bing Maps map section can be generated. The adapter outputs its results as XML or JSON document.
In order to use the Bing Maps API a Bing Maps API Key is required.
Operation | Defines the operation executed by the function adapter Possible values:
Adapter | Main adapter class (do not change!) Possible values: Main class (Default) |
bingMapsKey | Key for using the Bing Maps API |
outputFormat | Define the output format for requests Possible values:
timeout | Timeout to establish a connection in milliseconds Possible values:
pxHost | IP address or host name of a proxy server Possible values: Any valid string (e. g. |
pxPort | Port number of the proxy server Possible values: Any integer number |
pxLogin | User name for the proxy server Possible values: Any valid string |
pxPwd | Password for the proxy server Possible values: Any valid string |
Status values
1 (successful) | The request was successful and a result was output (corresponds to the HTTP status code 200) |
0 (empty) | The request was successful, but no result was output |
-1 (failed) | The request failed because of a technical error |
- HTTP status code | The request was executed, but terminated with a status code unequal 200. Error interpretation corresponds to the HTTP status code. |