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BAM Logging: Operation: Log Batch Messages

The Log Batch Messages operation logs several log messages that are transferred via a specific input structure.

For this operation, the key and level has to be defined in the XML input structure.


The output of the Log Batch Messages operation can be displayed in the X4 Control Center in the Web App X4 Process Monitor (tab BAM Log).

For more information on the X4 Control Center and the X4 Process Monitor Web App, see the X4 Control Center Guide.


The adapter expects an XML document with the following structure as input.


	<MESSAGE level="INFO" key="A">
		This is an info.
	<MESSAGE level="WARN" key="B">
		This is a warning.


The adapter generates a XML document as output:


	<MESSAGE level="INFO" key="A">
		This is an info.
	<MESSAGE level="WARN" key="B">
		This is a warning.
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