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BAM Logging: Migration

No migration is required for the BAM Logging Adapter from X4 BPMS versions 6.x.

The migration of the BAM Log Adapter (versions 1.0.0 and 1.1.0) to version 2.1.1 requires a change to the database structure.

Exchanging the adapter

  1. Delete the <server-directory>\wildfly\modules\de\softproject\x4\adapter\BamLogAdapter module and the corresponding entry from the <server_directory>\wildfly\modules\de\softproject\x4\extensions\main\module.xml file.
  2. Save the new bamlog module in the <server_directory>\wildfly\modules\de\softproject\x4\adapter folder.
  3. Add the adapter in the file <server_directory>\wildfly\modules\de\softproject\extensions\main\module.xml:
    1. Open the file module.xml in the folder <server_directory>\wildfly\modules\de\softproject\extensions\main.
    2. Copy the adapter name into the <dependencies> tag:

      <module name="de.softproject.x4.adapter.bamlog" export="true"/>

  4. Restart the X4 Server.
    The BAM Log Adapter 2.0.0 is now available in the Designer.

Exchanging the adapter in the Projects view


If the same name has been selected for the adapter definition file, nothing needs to be adjusted in the processes.

  • After the restart of the X4 Server, delete the previous adapter definition of the BAM Logging adapter (.fa file).
  • Create the adapter again.

Exchanging the implicit BAM logging in processes


If implicit BAM logging (on transitions) is still used in processes, the adapter must be exchanged in the process.

  1. Open the relevant process with an XML editor.
  2. Replace in the following section in all XML elements with the type Action[@type='BAM'] the entry de.softproject.integration.nativeadapter.NativeAdapter with de.softproject.integration.adapter.bam.BAMAdapter:

    <Parameter id="2"

    XML element after exchanging the adapter name:

    <Parameter id="2"

Exchanging the database tables

Optimizations have been made in the tables x4data, x4message, x4status. The easiest way to adapt to this is to rename or delete the previous tables if the data is not required anymore. The tables are automatically created again when the X4 Server is started.

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