Atlassian Jira Connector ReST API
Atlassian Jira Connector
: Enables a low level access to the Atlassian Jira ReST API.
Operation | Defines the operation executed by the adapter Possible values:
Adapter | Main adapter class (Do not change!) Possible values: |
Repository | Virtual repository of the adapter project. The value cannot be changed. |
host | Required. URL of the Jira server Possible values: Valid URL, e.g. |
port | Port of the ReST API Possible values:
path | Required. Resource path for the request Possible values: URL part in jira (For more information see, e.g. /rest/api/2/{issueIdOrKey} |
secure | Defines if the communication should take place via HTTPS or not Possible values: |
username | Required. Jira user used for authentication |
password | Required if token is not used. Password of the Jira user to be used for authentication |
token | Required if password is not used. Token used for authentication. The token can be used instead of a password. |
method | Required. HTTP method used for the request Possible values:
query | URL encoded query, e.g. query="project={projectKey} ORDER BY createdDate ASC" |
Status values
1 | The adapter operation was executed successfully. |
-1 | An error occurred during the adapter's execution. |
The adapter expects input in XML format. The root element must contain the namespace definition xmlns:j=
. The exact structure can be found at
The adapter returns a document with the structure described at, but in XML format. If there is no content that can be output, then the message The operation was successful!
is output.