Assigning File Types to External or Internal Editors
X4 Designer allows to link any file types with editors and other programs.
Select the menu Tools > Options.
On the left side, select General >
> .In File types, select an existing file type or add a new by clicking Add.
You can either define a file extension using a * wildcard or a full file name. Example:*.xyz or
In Associated editors, select a suitable editor for the file type, or open the Editor Selection window by clicking Add. Then select the editor from a list of
available editors.If you want to use an external editor, choose the option External programs within the Editor Selection window and click Browse to select the file of the external application.
Example:C:\Program Files\Notepad++\notepad++.exe
.If the file type shall be opened by default with a selected editor, click Default.
Click Apply and Close to save the settings and close the window.
The Repository Navigator's context menu entry Open with now provides all internal or external editors assigned to this file type.