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Apache Kafka

Apache Kafka enables you to store and process data streams via a distributed streaming platform. Various interfaces allow data to be written to Kafka clusters, data to be read or imported or exported from third-party systems. Due to its high fault tolerance and scalability, Apache Kafka is suitable for large amounts of data and applications, e.g. in the big data environment.

For more information about using Apache Kafka in a local environment, see

For more information about configuring and integrating TLS certificates in Apache Kafka Cluster, see

A configuration file is required in the X4 server installation to use the two adapters (7.4.0-en) Apache Kafka Publisher or (7.4.0-en) Apache Kafka Subscriber. This configuration file must be called apachekafka-config.xml and located in the X4DB/0 folder. When the X4 server is started, all information from this file is loaded.

The following XML file shows all required elements and attributes in the correct structure:

Example file apachekafka-config.xml
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
	<!-- Many clusters can be defined here -->
	<!-- general approach -->
	<Cluster id="ApacheKafka_broker_1" server="localhost:9092">
		<!-- Now the different clients that can work with this broker are defined: 
			For each ClientId, we define the following things: - The ClientId name: alias 
			to identify the client in X4 Processes. - groupId: the id of the group where 
			the consumer/publisher belongs to. -->
		<Client id="AK_Client_1" groupId="test"
			autoCommitIntervalMS="100" />
		<Client id="AK_Client_2" groupId="test"
			autoCommitIntervalMS="100" />
		<!-- Now, the different topics that clients can interact with for this 
			broker are defined -->
		<Topic filter="topic1" />
		<Topic filter="topic2" />
		<Topic filter="topic3" />
	<!-- cluster with ssl / tls configuration -->
	<Cluster id="ApacheKafka_broker_2" server="localhost:9093">
		<!-- Node that includes the SSL/TLS needed configuration for server -->
		<SslConfiguration privateKeyPassword="password">
			<!-- Server keystore password and server keystore path -->
			<KeyStore password="password"
				path="C:\\tmp\\ssl_new\\server.keystore.jks" />
			<!-- Server truststore password and server truststore path -->
			<TrustStore password="password"
				path="C:\\tmp\\ssl_new\\server.truststore.jks" />
		<!-- Now the different clients that can work with this broker are defined: 
			For each ClientId, we define the following things: - The ClientId name: alias 
			to identify the client in X4 Processes. - groupId: the id of the group where 
			the consumer/publisher belongs to. -->
		<Client groupId="test" autoCommitIntervalMS="100"
			id="AK_Client_3" />
		<Client groupId="test" autoCommitIntervalMS="100"
			id="AK_Client_4" />
		<!-- Now, the different topics that clients can interact with for this 
			broker are defined -->
		<Topic filter="topic2" />
		<Topic filter="topic5" />
		<Topic filter="topic4" />
	<!-- cluster with optional client properties for subscriber and publisher -->
	<Cluster id="ApacheKafka_broker_3" server="localhost:9093">
		<Client id="TestClient" groupId="TestGroup"
			<!-- optional subscriber propertiers for this client -->
				<Property key="" value="value" />
			<!-- optional publisher propertiers for this client -->
				<Property key="" value="value" />
		</Client> <!-- client now needs to be closed -->
		<!-- Now, the different topics that clients can interact with for this 
			broker are defined -->
		<Topic filter="topic2" />
		<Topic filter="topic5" />
		<Topic filter="topic4" />

Information on subscriberProperties and publisherProperties

In the apachekafka-config.xml configuration file, the following properties can optionally be set for each client:

subscriberProperties and publisherProperties can be set for only one client and for only one operation.


The behavior of subscriberProperties overwrites the default value, that is set in the autoCommitIntervalMS element if this values has been set again in the subscriberProperties.

Example for apachekafka-config.xml subscriberProperties and publisherProperties
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<Cluster id="ApacheKafka_broker_1" server="localhost:9092">
	<Client id="AK_Client_1" groupId="TestGroup" autoCommitIntervalMS="100">
	<!-- Propertiers of the Subscriber -->
				<Property key="" value="value" />
	<Topic filter="test"/>
<Cluster id="ApacheKafka_broker_2" server="localhost:9093">
	<Client id="AK_Client_2" groupId="TestGroup" autoCommitIntervalMS="100">
	<!-- Propertiers of the Publisher -->
				<Property key="" value="value" />
	<Topic filter="test"/>

The most important elements and attributes are explained in more detail below:

Element / Attribute



Must be unique. Defines the parameters required to configure the connection to a particular Kafka cluster. The id attribute contains the information required for the adapter parameter clusterId.


URL of the cluster. Supports the TCP protocol.

Possible values: hostname:port


Defines the SSL/TLS configuration parameters.


Password of the private key in the keystore file.


Defines where the keystore to be used is located and which password is stored.


Defines where the trust store to be used is located and which password is stored.


Information about the client that is used to publish messages on a specific topic.


Defines the group ID used to group the connections.


Defines the frequency of commits in milliseconds.

This attribute is required for the adapter (7.4.0-en) Apache Kafka Subscriber.


Topic in which the messages are published.


Name of the topic


Properties that can be set for the Apache Kafka Subscriber adapter.

ConsumerConfig values are logged in the server logs when starting the process. If values are set for the properties that are not available for subscriberProperties, an error is issued.

You can find more information in the official Apache Kafka documentation (Subscriber and Consumer are synonymous here).

Examples of possible values when using the Consumer:


Properties that can be set for the Apache Kafka Publisher adapter.

ProducerConfig values are logged in the server logs when starting the process. If values are set for the properties that are not available for publisherProperties, an error is issued.

You can find more information in the official Apache Kafka documentation (Publisher and Producer are synonymous here).

Examples of possible values when using the Producer:


The values for KeyStore, TrustStore, and privateKeyPassword can also be set via adapter parameters. Values set via adapter parameters override the values from apachekafka-config.xml.

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