Apache Cassandra Connector
This adapter nables the connection to an Apache Cassandra database and enables communication via CQL statements.
Operation | Defines the Operation executed by the adapter. Possible values:
Adapter | Main adapter class (do not change!) Possible values: de.softproject.integration.adapter.apache.cassandra.ApacheCassandraConnectorAdapter: Hauptklasse (default) |
host | Host within the cluster Cluster cluster1 = Cluster.builder().addContactPoints("","").build();
port | Native protocol port |
login | Login if the cluster requires credentials. Possible values: Any string containing the login, e.g. |
password | Password if the cluster requires credentials. Possible values: Any string containing the password, e.g. |
Status values
1 | The operation was executed successfully. |
-1 | An error occurred during the operation's execution. |
The adapter expects a specific XML document as input:
Sample Input
<Preparedstatement resulttag="result element name" timeZone="timezone">
select * from keyspace.table;
<parameter index="n" type="Cassandra_Type">Value</parameter>
<Preparedstatement resulttag="result 2 element name" timeZone="timezone 2">
INSERT INTO keyspace.table (id, lastname, firstname) VALUES (uuid(), myLastname,'myFirstName');
The input XML document must comply with the following rules:
Element / Attribute | Description |
resulttag | Required attribute of the element Preparedstatement . |
timeZone | Optional attribute of the element |
Cql | Element within the element If characters that are preset in XML are used within the CQL statement, then the SQL statement must be escaped with a CDATA block. |
Parameters | Element within the element Preparedstatement . May only be used once within Preparedstatement . Contains any number of elements parameter with parameter values. |
parameter | Element within the element Attributes:
The output is an XML document containing the errors and the result of the execution. Depending on the executed operation, the adapter outputs data in different XML structures:
Batch operations (
, ...)Example Batch Operations
XML<Result> <resulttag_name> Operation executed successfully</resulttag_name> </Result>
Example SELECT
XML<Result> <resulttag_name> <Object> <Value name="field_name" type="String|Number|Boolean...">field_value</Value> ... <Object name="Map_field_name"> <Value name="key_name" type="String|Number|Boolean...">object_value</Value> </Object> <Array name="Colleciton_field_name"> <Value type="String|Number|Boolean...">value_of_the_array_at_this_position</Value> ... </Array> ... </Object> </resulttag_name> </Result>
If the field has the data type
, its value is represented by an object node. If the field has the data typeLIST
, its value is represented by an array node. If the field is a simple type, its value is represented within the value node.
Example CREATE
XML<RootElement> <Preparedstatement resulttag="createTableVideos"> <Cql> <![CDATA[CREATE TABLE videodb.videos ( videoid uuid, videoname varchar, username varchar, description varchar, location map<varchar,varchar>, tags set<varchar>, tupleColl tuple<int, text, varchar, float, time, timestamp, date, inet, decimal, uuid, boolean, ascii, blob>, upload_date timestamp, upload_date_noTime date, PRIMARY KEY (videoid));]]> </Cql> </Preparedstatement> </RootElement>
Example DROP
XML<RootElement> <Preparedstatement resulttag="drop_Users"> <Cql> <![CDATA[DROP TABLE IF EXISTS videodb.users;]]> </Cql> </Preparedstatement> </RootElement>
Example INSERT
XML<RootElement> <Preparedstatement resulttag="insertVideos" timeZone="UTC"> <Cql> INSERT INTO videodb.videos (videoid, videoname, username, description, location, tags, tupleColl, upload_date, upload_date_noTime) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?); </Cql> <Parameters> <parameter index="0" type="UUID">99051fe9-6a9c-46c2-b949-38ef78858dd0</parameter> <parameter index="1" type="VARCHAR">My funny cat</parameter> <parameter index="2" type="VARCHAR">tcodd</parameter> <parameter index="3" type="VARCHAR">My cat likes to play the piano! So funny.</parameter> <parameter index="4" type="MAP">{"US":"/us/vid/99/99051fe9-6a9c-46c2-b949-38ef78858dd0"}</parameter> <parameter index="5" type="SET" >["cats","piano","lol"]</parameter> <parameter index="6" type="TUPLE" keySpace="videodb" table="videos" column="tupleColl" formatWithoutTime="yyyy-MM-dd" format="yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" formatTime="HH:mm:ss:SSS">1, fisrt tuple element, V1, 1.01, 14:25:16:555, 2012-06-01 08:00:00, 2018-04-03,, 5.678, 9e816244-f90a-4394-86a5-ddcf4fb9f7aa, true, 97, blobValue</parameter> <parameter index="7" type="TIMESTAMP" format="yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss">2012-06-01 08:45:32</parameter> <parameter index="8" type="DATE" formatWithoutTime="yyyy-MM-dd">2012-06-01</parameter> </Parameters> </Preparedstatement> </RootElement>
Example UPDATE
XML<rootElement> <Preparedstatement resulttag="add_email_in_list"> <Cql> <![CDATA[ UPDATE videodb.users set email = ? + email where username = ?]]> </Cql> <Parameters> <parameter type="LIST" index="0">["test1@mail.com","test0@mail.com"]</parameter> <parameter type="TEXT" index="1">pmcfadin</parameter> </Parameters> </Preparedstatement> </rootElement>
Example SELECT
XML<mainNode> <Preparedstatement resulttag="select_NY_rides" timezone="UTC"> <Cql> <![CDATA[SELECT * from NY.rides where vendor_id = ? and pickup_datetime = ? and rate_code = ? and total_amount = ? limit 10 ALLOW FILTERING; ]]> </Cql> <Parameters> <parameter index="0" type="TEXT">2</parameter> <parameter index="1" type="TIMESTAMP" format="yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss">2016-01-02 17:02:28</parameter> <parameter index="2" type="INT">1</parameter> <parameter index="3" type="DECIMAL">64.56</parameter> </Parameters> </Preparedstatement> </mainNode>
Example DELETE
XML<mainNode> <Preparedstatement resulttag="delete_video_one_record" timezone="UTC"> <Cql> DELETE FROM videodb.videos WHERE videoid = ?; </Cql> <Parameters> <parameter index="0" type="UUID">7dacb4da-9155-4613-b04e-8c5305a20342</parameter> </Parameters> </Preparedstatement> </mainNode>