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AMQP Subscriber

The adapter manages subscriptions to an AMQP queue and defines the process to be executed.



Defines the operation executed by the adapter

Possible values:

  • Subscribe: Subscribe to an AMQP queue and define the process to be executed
    (info) Required parameters are hostport, username, password, queue and process. The parameters can also be provided via a configuration file, which is specified within the parameter storedConfig
  • Unsubscribe: Unsubscribe from an AMQP queue
    (info) Required parameters are username and queue.  The parameters can also be provided via a configuration file, which is specified within the parameter storedConfig



Main adapter class (do not change!)

Possible values: de.softproject.integration.adapter.amqp.AmqpSubscriberAdapter: Main class (default)


Identifier of the configuration provided in amqpconfig.xml

Possible values: Any string containing the configuration identifier, e.g. queueEmployeesConfig


AMQP server host

Possible values: Server host, e.g. localhost


Dedicated AMQP port in the server

Possible values: AMQP port number, e.g. 5672


Name of the user subscribing or unsubscribing to a topic

Possible values: Any string containing the user name, e.g. user


Password associated to the user

Possible values: Any string containing the corresponding password, e.g. p4ssw0rd


Queue where the message is subscribed or unsubscribed

Possible values: Any string containing the queue name, e.g. employees


Container where the queue is placed

Possible values: Any string containing the container name, e.g. employeesContainer


Quality of Service of the message

Possible values:

  • AT_MOST_ONCE: The message is delivered at most once, or it is not delivered at all.
  • AT_LEAST_ONCE: The message is delivered at least once.
  • EXACTLY_ONCE: The message is delivered only once.

(info)  The default value is AT_MOST_ONCE, if the attribute qos is not specified.


Enable SSL encryption

Possible values: true / false (default)


Activate SASL Authentication 

Possible values: 

true /  false (default)


SASL mechanism of the remote endpoint. 

Mögliche Werte:

  • PLAIN: All data is exchanged in cleartext  (Default).
  • ANONYMOUS: The service can be used for unauthenticated guest access.
  • CRAM-MDS:  Prevents sending the password in cleartext.
  • Digest-MDS:  Additional parameters can be used for integrity checks.  

Path of the Technical Process executed as soon as a message is received

Possible values: Process path, e.g. x4db://1/Project/Processes/process.wrf

Status values


The operation was executed successfully (no output is generated)


An error occurred during the operation's execution (no output is generated)


To provide the needed information a configuration file with a specified structure can be used, which is loaded at server startup. The configuration file amqpconfig.xml must be stored under the server path X4DB/0.

The file has the following structure:


<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
    <AMQPConfig name="queueEmployeesConfig">
        <Server host="localhost" port="5672" useSsl="false"/>
        <Client user="user" password="p4ssw0rd"/>
        <Queue container="employeesContainer" name="employees" qos="AT_LEAST_ONCE"/>
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