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Amazon SimpleDB Connector

This adapter manages data and its structures in Amazon S3 SimpleDB. Amazon SimpleDB is a highly available NoSQL data store that offloads the work of database administration.



Defines the operation executed by the adapter

Possible values:

  • CreateDomain: Creates a domain containing the data set.
    Required parameters: domain

  • DomainMetadata: Retrieves metadata related to a domain, see official guide.
    Required parameters: domain

  • DeleteDomain : Deletes a domain.
    Required parameters: domain

  • ListDomain: Lists all domains.

  • Put: Adds or updates an item and its attributes, or adds attribute-value pairs to an already existing item; The item is automatically indexed as it is received. According to the parameter replaceExistingAttributes, the content will replace existing attributes or will create new attributes keeping the current ones as well.
    Required parameters: domain, replaceExistingAttributes

  • BatchPutAttributes: Adds or updates up to 25 Put operations in a single call. Items are automatically indexed as they are received. According to the parameter replaceExistingAttributes, the content will replace existing attributes or will create new attributes keeping the current ones as well, see official guide.
    Required parameters: domain, replaceExistingAttributes

  • GetItem: Retrieves an item and all or a subset of its attributes and values.
    Required parameters: domain, itemName

  • DeleteItem: Deletes an item, an attribute, or an attribute value.
    Required parameters: domain, itemName

  • BatchDeleteAttributes: Deletes up to 25 Delete operations on a single call, see official guide.
    Required parameters: domain

  • Select: Queries the data set in the familiar “select target from domain_name where query_expression” syntax.
    Supported value tests are: =, !=, like, not like, between, is null, is not null, and every ().
    Example: select * from mydomain where every(keyword) = ‘Book’ .
    (info) Order results using the SORT operator, and count items that meet the condition(s) specified by the predicate(s) in a query using the Count operator.

  • StoreAmazonS3ObjectMetadata: Stores the metadata related to an AmazonS3 object in a specific domain set in the parameter domain.
    Required parameters: domain, replaceExistingAttributes



Main adapter class (do not change!)

Possible values:  de.softproject.integration.adapter.amazonsimpledb.AmazonSimpleDBAdapter: Main class (default)


Access key ID used to sign programmatic requests to AWS

(info) The credentials are passed by parameters to the adapter. There are different ways to configure them, see How to get credentials keys.

Possible values: Any string containing the access key Id, e.g.  AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE


Secret access key used to sign programmatic requests to AWS

(info) The credentials are passed by parameters to the adapter. There are different ways to configure them, see How to get credentials keys.

Possible values: Any string containing the secret access key e.g.  wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG/bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY


Domain region

Possible values: Any string containing the region name, e.g.  us-east-2

(info) Buckets created in a specific region, can not be accessed from a different region, see  Regions and Endpoints.


Domain name identified by a unique key (name)

Domains are represented by domain worksheet tabs at the bottom of the spreadsheet and are similar to tables containing similar data. The name must be between 3 and 255 characters and can contain the following characters: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, '_', '-', and '.'.

(info) You can execute queries against a domain, but cannot execute queries across different domains.


Item name

Items are represented by rows and are individual objects containing one or more attribute name-value pairs.


Indicates whether the content to be put will overwrite the existing one, if the item(s) to be put contains any common attribute(s).

Applies to the operations Put and BatchPutAttributes .

Status values


The operation was executed successfully

0The domain does not exist
-1An error occurred during the operation's execution


The adapter expects an XML document as input.

  • Operation Put:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"
        <item name="..Item name..">
            <Attribute name="..Name of attribute.." value="..Value of attribute.."/>
            <!-- As many attributes as required -->

    In case of the operation Put only one item attribute should be provided. If operations for more than one item are to be performed, the operation BatchPutAttributes should be used instead. There are no restrictions on element names, however, the attribute name is required.

  • Operation BatchPutAttributes :

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"
        <item name="..Item name..">
            <Attribute name="..Name of attribute.." value="..Value of attribute.."/>
            <!-- As many attributes as required -->
    	<!-- As many items as required -->

    In case of the operation BatchPutAttributes more than one item attribute should be provided. If operations for only one item are to be performed, the operation Put should be used instead. There are no restrictions on element names, however, the attribute name is required.

  • Operation Select:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"
            select * from 'DomainName'

    The element queryStatement is required. For a proper query, follow this guide.

  • Operation BatchDeleteAttributes :

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"
        <item name="HR employee">
            <Attribute1 name="ID" value="00002"/>
    	<item3 name="DEV employee">
            <Attribute1 name="ID" value="00003"/>
    		<Attribute2 name="Address" value="C\Ettlingen"/>
    		<Attribute3 name="Name" value="Lorena"/>
    		<Attribute4 name="Frameworks" value="Java-Hibernate"/>
    		<Attribute4 name="Frameworks" value="Angular"/>
  • Operation StoreAmazonS3ObjectMetadata :

    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
        <Bucket name="SoftProject-bucket" region="eu-west-1">
            <Object name="myFile.xml" url="">
                <Metadata lastModified="2018-12-10 13:42:38.000 +0100" instanceLength="158" eTag="a933d9ca99b473c7921c496727a32f91" contentType="application/octet-stream" contentLength="158"/>
            <Object name="myFile2.xml" url="">
                <Metadata lastModified="2018-12-10 12:02:07.000 +0100" instanceLength="158" eTag="a933d9ca99b473c7921c496727a32f91" contentType="application/octet-stream" contentLength="158" contentLanguage="English"/>

    • The expected input XML structure can be provided using the Amazon S3 Simple Storage Connector's Search operation. Moreover, the property includeObjectsMetadata hast to be enabled.
    • Stored attributes for each object metadata need to match with the Amazon metadata fields, see Object Key and Metadata.

    Additionally to the provided metadata fields, a new field will be stored in order to be able to filter the metadata. The field metadataType provides the values STANDARD_METADATA or USER_METADATA or both, if there are standard fields and user fields, see Object metadata.

    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
        <Bucket name="testmalaga2" region="euwest1">
    		<Object name="testing_folders/personalData.txt" url="">
                <Metadata lastModified="2018-12-10 12:30:35.000 +0100" instanceLength="33" eTag="7960fb01e91834eb9d5ccbacdf45d0e5" contentType="application/octetstream" contentLength="33" contentLanguage="Spanish"/>
    			<UserMetadata ciudad="Malaga"/>


The adapter returns different kind of documents depending on the executed operation:

  • Operation ListDomain:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"
        <Domain name="Domain Name">
  • Operation GetItem:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"
        <Item id="Item Name">
    		<Attribute name="Attribute name" value="Attribute value"/>
    		<Attribute name="Attribute name" value="Attribute value"/>
    		<Attribute name="Attribute name" value="Attribute value"/>
  • Operation Select:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"
        <Item id="Item1 Name">
    		<Attribute name="Attribute name" value="Attribute value"/>
    		<Attribute name="Attribute name" value="Attribute value"/>
    		<Attribute name="Attribute name" value="Attribute value"/>
    	<Item id="Item2 Name">
    		<Attribute name="Attribute name" value="Attribute value"/>
    		<Attribute name="Attribute name" value="Attribute value"/>
    		<Attribute name="Attribute name" value="Attribute value"/>
    	<Item id="Item3 Name">
    		<Attribute name="Attribute name" value="Attribute value"/>
    		<Attribute name="Attribute name" value="Attribute value"/>
    		<Attribute name="Attribute name" value="Attribute value"/>
  • Operation DomainMetadata :

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"
    <Domain domainName="Employee">
        <Metadata attributeNamecount="0"/>
    	<Metadata attributeNamesSizeBytes="0"/>	
    	<Metadata attributeValueCount="0"/>
    	<Metadata attributeValueSizeBytes="0"/>
    	<Metadata itemCount="0"/>
    	<Metadata itemNameSizeBytes="0"/>
    	<Metadata timestamp="1544698002"/>
    </Domain >
  • All other operations return the input document.
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