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Activity components define an activity within a Business Process according to BPMN 2.0. The activity type and its execution behaviour is defined by the corresponding properties respectively by a marker. Activity components allow to link Technical Processes or other Business Processes as subprocesses from the X4 Repository.



Ad hoc

Marking as ad hoc activity using the symbol 

Ad hoc activity: Activity that can be executed at any time (only in free flow mode)


Marking as compensating activity by the symbol 

Compensating activity: Activity with which steps are undone that are already successfully completed

Activity type

Marking of the activity type
Available activity types:

  • None: General activity, without further marking (default)

  •  Send: Send

  •  Receive: Receive

  •  Manual: Manual activity

  •  Service: Service (process)

  •  Script: Script

Execution type

Marking of the execution behaviour
Available execution behaviour markers:

  • Single: Single execution (default)

  •  Loop: Loop

  •  Parallel Multi-Instance: Parallel multiple execution

  •  Sequential Multi-Instance: Sequencial multiple execution



Path to the linked process within the X4 Repository (set by the X4 Designer). If a component symbol is placed from the palette via drag&drop to the workplace, it is only an empty process component without any reference to a repository file.


Label of the symbol within the process diagram

The marking  

 (subprocess) is set automatically as soon as a Business Process (*.bpm) is linked.

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