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"Upload" Action

The Upload action is created via the <UploadAction/> element within <Actions>. The Upload action allows data to be uploaded to the web application.

The Technical Process that receives the uploaded file must return a confirmation or error message. If the confirmation contains a message, the message is displayed as a pop-up window. Pop-up windows with error messages are always displayed.

The process attribute is required for the <UploadAction/> element.

In addition to the standard attributes for actions, the <UploadAction/> element can also have the following attributes:




File type to filter by in the selection dialog.

  • Data binding possible

This attribute only filters by file types. The filter can be reset by the user to view and select all file types.

Possible values:

Any string (file extension)


Only enter the file extension for this attribute. For example, pdf. MIME types and wildcards (*) are not allowed.


Identifier that can be used by the process developer.

  • Data binding possible

Possible values: Any string


Maximum file size in megabytes.

Possible values: Integer

Format of the uploaded data

The data is passed to the Technical Process in a specific input format, which is specified with the process attribute:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
    ....Base64 data....

For example, the data in the <FileData> element can be decoded using the Base64 Converter.


Example of the "Upload file" action
<DetailComponent path="Dashboard" displayName="Dashboard" default="true">
		<UploadAction />

The above example creates the following action:

For more information, see the sections:

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