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Master Structural Element

The Master structural element defines which information is to be displayed in the upper part of the screen using which component. The Master structural element controls which data set displays additional information in the Detail structural element.

If the user has not yet selected a list entry in the Master structural element, the first entry is automatically selected in the desktop view and the corresponding information is displayed in the Detail structural element.

The Master structural element is defined first within the master/detail component. The Master structural element must contain a list component, which is referenced here.

Sample Definition of a Master Structural Element

<MasterDetailComponent  xmlns="">
	<!-- Reference to a List component-->
		<ComponentReference source="Customer/Customer.list" name="AllCustomers" />

The Technical Process processing the data of the master/detail component is specified in the process attribute of the list component. The Technical Process must be contained in the Services/Processes folder. The path specification is relative to the Services/Processes folder.

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