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ListView controls are used to display data objects (simple or complex) from lists. How a single object is displayed is defined as an item template. For this purpose, the display is defined within a layout (flow or Grid Layout). This display is adopted for each individual object. Since the data objects to be displayed are provided by a Technical Process, a corresponding Technical Process must be defined in the component that contains the ListView.


Defines the width of an element (corresponds to a list entry in the xml file).

Possible values: Integer


Defines the unit that applies to the sizes of the element.

Possible values:

  • pixels
  • percents (default)

Defines the maximum number of entries to be displayed. If there are more entries in the list, the user can display them using a drop-down arrow.

Possible values: Integer


Required. Source of the data. The number of entries defines the number of displayed elements.

  • Data binding (list) enabled

Possible values: Any string

Defines a color for the background of the control.

  • This setting overwrites the default color of the color scheme!
  • This attribute doesn't work with the Maps and HtmlDocument controls!

Possible values:

  • Hexadecimal color value, e.g. ff5a00

    Do not use a hash in front of the color value!
    do not use a shortened notation of the color value!
  • Color code from the color palette of the Web App (see Theming), e.g. A200

Defines if the user can interact with the control.

  • Data binding (boolean) possible

Possible values: true / false or data binding expression

The enabled attribute replaces the obsolete disabled attribute. enabled="true" thus corresponds to the obsolete disabled="false" attribute .

Defines the font family.

  • This attribute overrides the default font of the Web App for this control.
  • If the attribute is defined on an element, the font family is inherited by the element's child elements, unless the child elements have the fontFamily attribute explicitly set.
  • This attribute doesn't work with the Image, Maps and HtmlDocument controls.

Possible values:

  • MainFont: Stored main font
  • Font code from the font palette, e.g. Font04

Defines the font size.

  • This attribute overrides the default font size of the Web App for this control.
  • This attribute doesn't work with the Image, Maps and HtmlDocument controls.

Possible values:

  • Any integer or decimal number with a dot as decimal separator, e.g. 20; 20.8; .9
  • Font size in pixels, e.g. 20px
  • Font size in points, e.g. 18pt
  • Font size compared to the font size of the parent element, e.g. .8em or 120
  • Key words: xx-Small, x-small, small, medium, large, x-large, xx-large, smaller, larger

Sets the width of the single characters.

This attribute overrides the default width of the characters of the Web App for this control.

Possible values:

  • Condensed
  • Expanded
  • ExtraCondensed
  • ExtraExpanded
  • Medium
  • Normal (default)
  • SemiCondensed
  • SemiExpanded
  • UltraCondensed
  • UltraExpanded

This attribute doesn't work with the Image, Maps, Charts and HtmlDocument controls.


Defines the font style.

This attribute overrides the default style of the characters of the Web App for this control.

Possible values:

  • italic: italic characters
  • normal: normal characters (default)
  • oblique: italic characters (calculated)

This attribute doesn't work with the Image, Maps and HtmlDocument controls.


Defines the font weight.

This attribute overrides the default font weight of the Web App for this control.

Possible values:

  • Black
  • Bold
  • DemiBold
  • ExtraBlack
  • ExtraBold
  • ExtraLight
  • Heavy
  • Light
  • Medium
  • Normal (default)
  • Regular
  • SemiBold
  • Thin
  • UltraBlack
  • UltraBold
  • UltraLight

This attribute doesn't work with the Image, Maps and HtmlDocument controls.


Defines a color for the foreground (texts etc.) of the control.

  • This setting overwrites the default color of the color scheme!
  • This attribute does not work with the Map and HtmlDocument controls!

Possible values:
  • Hexadecimal color value, e.g. ff5a00

    Do not use a hash in front of the color value!
    do not use a shortened notation of the color value!
  • Color code from the color palette of the Web App (see Theming), e.g. A200

Direction in which the elements flow. The order of the elements corresponds to their declaration.

Possible values:

  • left (default)
  • center
  • right

Defines if the control is visible.

  • Data binding (boolean) possible

Possible values: true / false or data binding expression

<SelectAction/> within a ListView Control

The Select action is created using the <SelectAction/> element within <ListView> and is triggered once a user selects an entry in the list.

The selected element is marked in the output with the attribute selected="true".

<DoubleclickAction> within a ListView Control

The DoubleClick action is created using the <DoubleClickAction/> element within <ListView> and is triggered once a user double-clicks an entry in the list.


List without actions


<DetailComponent name="ExampleListView" path="ExampleListView" displayName="Example ListView" process="example.wrf">
		<Property name="ListObject" type="List">
			<Property name="Caption" type="String" />
			<Property name="Name" type="String" />
			<Property name="City" type="String" />
		<ListView objectList="#ListObject">
				<Label value="#Caption"/>
				<Label value="#Name"/>
				<Label value="#City"/>


The data provided by the Technical Process have the following format:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
		<Caption>Example 1</Caption>
		<Name>Max Mustermann</Name>
		<Caption>Example 2</Caption>
		<Name>John Doe</Name>
		<City>New York</City>
		<Caption>Example 3</Caption>
		<Name>Kari Nordmann</Name>

Above code creates the following ListView:

List with actions


				type="String" />
		<ListView objectList="#ListObject">
			<SelectAction process="Response.wrf" />
				<TextBox value="#name" />


The data provided by the Technical Process have the following format:

The selected element is marked in the output with the attribute selected="true".

In order to delete all entries of the ListView completely, the attribute empty="true" must be set in the output.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
   <ListObject selected="true">
      <name>New York</name>
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