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JSON Converter (deprecated)

JSON Converter: Converts a text document that contains structured data in the JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) into an XML document with a root element <JSON>, and vice versa, it converts an XML document into a UTF-8-encoded JSON document.

This adapter is deprecated: Please use the JSON Converter 2.0 instead!

Please note when converting XML to JSON:

  • Processing instructions, comments, entities, and CDATA sections in the input XML document cannot be converted.
  • To create arrays in JSON out of XML element structures, add the attribute class="array" to the corresponding element.
  • To suppress empty arrays in JSON, add an attribute class="object" to the corresponding XML element, e. g. <element class="object"/> will be element:null in JSON.
  • For more information to the used library, see



Defines the operation executed by the function adapter

Possible values:

  • JSON2XML: Convert a JSON document into XML

  • XML2JSON: Convert an XML document into JSON



Main adapter class (do not change!)

Possible values: de.softproject.integration.adapter.json.JSONConverter: Main class (Default)


Defines that the same XML  and JSON structures are used as in previous X4 releases. 

Possible values:

true: Classic mode is used

false: Classic mode is not used (Default)

JavaScript errors detected

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