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Installation of preconfigured X4 Web Apps


The preconfigured X4 Web Apps are available in the following installation package on the SoftProject Website X4 BPMS > Downloads.

Note on the Process Monitor:

The Process Monitor is not included in the installation packages mentioned above, but is delivered as a separate X4 plugin. You can request the Process Monitor from our support team on the SoftProject website under X4 BPMS > Downloads. Go to X4 BPMS 7.4.1 and on the X4 Plugins tab, select the Request button next to the description of the Process Monitor.

How to install the preconfigured X4 Web Apps

  1. Download the ZIP package for the X4 Control Center from the SoftProject Website X4 BPMS > Downloads.

  2. Unzip the files in the ZIP archive. 
  3. Copy the files with the file extension *.sealed to the <server_directory>\deployments folder.
  4. Start Keycloak, the X4 Server and the X4 Designer.
    The apps are now available in the X4 Control Center (https://localhost80:80)
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