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BAM Logging: Manual Installation


You can request the BAM Logging adapter from our support team on the SoftProject website under X4 BPMS > Downloads. Go to X4 BPMS 7.4.1 and on the X4 Plugins tab, select the Request button next to the plugin description.

The BAM Logging Adapter requires configuration of the database and manual installation of the adapter.

How to configure the database

  1. In the folder <server_directory>/configurations, create the file bam_log_configuration.xml.
  2. Enter the following content :

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  3. Save the file bam_log_configuration.xml.

Description of the Elements in the Database

ElementDescriptionPossible values

JDBC connection string for connecting to the database

Further details can be found in the official JDBC database documentation.
  • Connection URL for the JDBC database
UserNameUser name for logging in to the database
  • Any string
PasswordPassword for logging in to the database
  • Any string
WriteAsyncConfiguration for synchronous or asynchronous logging
  • true
  • false (default)

Queue size for asynchronous logging

When the queue is full, the process waits to push the BAM logs into the queue. If the server is shut down or crashes, all BAM logs in the queue are lost.
  • Any integer
  • 65536 (Default)


ElementDescriptionPossible values
DurationTime span
  • Integer
TimeUnitUnit of the time span
  • DAYS


ElementDescriptionPossible values
DurationTime span
  • Integer
TimeUnitUnit of the time span
  • DAYS

How to install the adapter manually

  1. Unzip the ZIP folder of the adapter.

  2. Copy the folder of the adapter into the folder <server_directory>\wildfly\modules\de\softproject\x4\adapter.

  3. Make sure that in the folder <server_directory>\wildfly\modules\de\softproject\x4\adapter\bamlog\main in the file module.xml in the element <resources> the paths <resource-root path="" /> correspond to the names of the *.jar file.
    Example based on the BAM Log Adapter:

    1. Name of the *.jar file:

    2. Content of the module.xml file:

  4. In the <server_directory>\wildfly\modules\de\softproject\extensions\main folder, the adapter has to be added to the module.xml file:

    1. Open the module.xml file in the <server_directory>\wildfly\modules\de\softproject\extensions\main folder.

    2. Copy the adapter name into the <dependencies> tag:

      <module name="de.softproject.x4.adapter.bamlog" export="true"/>

    3. Save the module.xml file.

  5. Start Keycloak, the X4 Server and the X4 Designer.

The adapter can now be selected and used in the X4 Designer.

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